Sunday, November 05, 2006

Part of the Team

So I bought Battlefield 2142 the other day.  I know what your saying. "GAME REVIEWS!! UUGGHH!" I assure you there's no need for the use of caps lock or MOEPs, which is an acronym I just made up this second for Massive Overuse of Exclamation Points. I will not go into the details of how the antroscopic filtering works seamlessly with the anti-aliasing providing smooth edges to the textured graphics.  Noooo, I will not even mention that stuff.  I would like to focus on the social aspect of the game.

Now I know there are "social" games like WOW, Guildwars and the Hello Kitty Online Game, but first person shooters or FPSs can also be a social experience.  I have a buddy list, there's voice chat, my "character" has goals and objectives to achieve.  I'm telling you it could be like another full time job and like a full time job you don't have to spend your time killing people or "doing actual work", you can stand around and shoot the bull.  Now if the game actually had an animated bull to shoot that would be one thing, but I'm using the phrase as a euphemism.  You don't have to be a violent person to play this game.  You can be a lover and not a fighter.  You could have even been a contender...  Wait. Stop. Focus.  I really like walking around healing people and better yet you get points for doing that too.  I don't want to color this game a lovely shade of periwinkle, you will get killed, stabbed, xploded, and face squatted or "tea bagged" as it's lovely called, but it's ok, you'll be back at it in 15 seconds handing out daisies and smoking with your buds on the loading dock.

So in conclusion, don't write off the game because it boast computer requirements that rival NASA's, or has graphics so real that I actually bleed when shot.  There is more than one dimension to this 3-D FPS.  There is heart. There are a bunch of brave men and one woman in a squad called the Bloodfilled Anal Fissures and I'll meet  you guys as soon as I get off of work.


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