Wednesday, November 01, 2006

It's Been Such a Long Time, Yeah!!!

Hey friends.  I know that it has been several months since I posted anything whatsoever, and in the interest of moving forward, I won't go into the things I've done in my blogging hiatus. Let's just say I'm refocusing my life and I'm going to try to make writing a daily habit.

I didn't really have much to say in this post, but I did want to provide something worthwhile. I found a cool website called AfterHoursDJs that I'd like to share.  It's an online radio station that only plays techno music.  Now I'm more of Gibson SG playing hillbilly type, but I find the music very good to listen to while I'm working.  It doesn't take any of my focus and the drum beat stays the same from song to song.  I think the techno artists just pass one drum machine around and add their own little melodies.

Anywho, Cheers for now for tommorrow never knows.

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