Monday, March 28, 2005

Just for the heck of it.

I am experimenting with linking today. I thought I'd create a link to my favorite vlog, Rocketboom. Check it yo.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Interesting Quiz

I don't know if I agree with the results, but I have to accept them. It is my destiny.

You scored as Anarchism. <'Imunimaginative's Deviantart Page'>

















What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In?
created with

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Pics of my cat, which I no longer have.

Here are some old pics I found of my wife's cat, Moe. It kind of makes me sad that we don't have him anymore, but he's in a better place now, Central Illinois.

Monday, March 14, 2005

I Am The Smartest Man Alive!!!

I figured out how to add links to my sidebar. I will be sure to let my wife know about this. The process was actually pretty easy since I have all of the blogs I read listed at Bloglines. I recommend this service to anyone who reads more than a couple of blogs. You can organize your blogs in folders and more importantly it cuts down on bandwidth use for fellow bloggers by providing a central location for everyone to browse their blogs. Well that's my Mr. Wizard lesson for the day. I'll catch you on the other side of the moon.

Monday, March 07, 2005

What country am I?

My wife forwarded this quiz to me and I have to say I'm down with it.

You're Mexico! While some people think you're poor and maybe a little corrupt, you know where it's at, enjoying good food and nice beaches. You like to take things a little slower than those around you, and you really wish the air were cleaner, but sometimes compromises must be made. For some reason, Chevrolet keeps trying to sell you Novas as well, even though they don't really go. Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid